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In her own words :
"The growth of New Media journalism will be a hybrid combining the best aspects of traditional print newspapers with the best of what the Web brings to the table. We're getting a glimpse into this with the many changes afoot at Old Media places like the The New York Times, and from New Media players like, well, like the Huffington Post.

The online vs. print debate is totally obsolete. It's as musty as the old barroom argument about Ginger vs. Mary Ann. It's 2008, why not have a three-way? Traditional media have ADD: They are far too quick to drop a story. Online journalists, meanwhile, tend to have OCD—we chomp down on a story, refusing to move on until we've gotten down to the marrow.

The shifting dynamic between the forces of print and online reminds me of Sarah Connor and the T-101 in The Terminator. At first, the visitor from the future (digital) seemed intent on killing Sarah (print). But as the relationship progressed, the Terminator became Sarah and her son's one hope for salvation. Today, you can almost hear digital media (which for some reason has a thick Austrian accent) saying to print: "Come with me if you want to live!"


When first starting Huffington Post at 2005, 3 years ago, many critics on her idea mentioned as a digital meeting for her old politics friends to gather new liberal friend. But Huffington Post has grown in ways that few, except perhaps Ms. Huffington herself, expected.

In February 2008, The Huffington Post visited by 3.7 million unique visitors, according to Nielsen Online, for the first time beating out The Drudge Report, the conservative tip sheet with which The Post is often compared. On Technorati, a blog search tool, The Huffington Post is the second-most-linked-to blog (now #1), behind technology site TechCrunch. (14 million unique visitors for the most recent month)

Today, The Huffington Post has become one of the most popular and widely quoted sites on the web, its influence easily rivaling that of many mainstream media.

But who's Arianna Huffington ?
Born native of Greece, she has been the president of the debating society in University of Cambridge. An author of books about feminism, Picasso and green movement, a panelist on radio and television shows, a millionaire, and she is also a candidate in the 2003 California governor election.

And now she is become one of -peole said about- megablogger, in 100 most influenced people in the web according to Time Magazine, time will tell...


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